Monday, February 1, 2016


Hello, welcome to my most likely never updated, crappily written, mispelled, student blog. Have fun! And if you feel offended at my opinions and or do not like what I post, do yourself a favor and leave.
I am a Creative Writing major at this school and I have to make this blog, so here it is. Apparently this will  pub·li·cize my work. I really don't be·lieve that anyone outside of the 10- 15 of us will actually look at this and read it. If you are how'd you find me and why.... 
(Yes I know I misspelled misspelled as "mispelled")  


  1. Only you Asher...Only you.

    1. Only you would do this... 'this will pub·li·cize my work. I really don't be·lieve' sorry, I quoted from your blog.
